Yes, i can still cook

Hello friends- yes i still cook, no not as much, and yes in Malaysia.

I started work in August-ish after coming back here early July, and now live in KL! It’s great but the living room and kitchen aren’t exactly separated, so I have no idea why the below dish is the one dish i actually cook in my home- it kind of smells…

Anyways, this is basically pan fried salmon with an arugula salad. The salmon really tells you i ain’t shit because it has the most basic seasoning. But that’s also salmon at its best for me. Anyways the arugula salad is the best part. Also basic but whatever.

Arugula salad:

Arugula(rocket), dried cranberries, walnuts, olive oil and balsamic.

That’s it. Just chop the cranberries and walnuts and throw them in the arugula. I’d pour the dressing on the arugula, mix it and then only add the chopped stuff.


Salmon, lemon, salt, pepper

Scour salmon skin side. Season with above. Marinate. Heat a pan lightly greased with oil. Fry no skin side first and then skin side till crispy. That’s it.

Here’s photos of the salmon on different ocassions. Think i marinated the salmon in garlic and shallots for the first one:

And here’s a bonus photo of my living room! I decorated it with all my heart. Definitely more clutter now, plus some dying plants.

Lets hope i find another favourite dish to cook so i’d actually post something. But till then, bye!

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