not my own recipe- çilbir

Hello friends! This blog is seemingly dead and you’re right- it is. But here’s an attempt to revive it with no creativity on my own behalf whatsoever but the dish turned out well and my roommate and I spent 10 minutes taking photos, hence the blog post.

This took me only about 15 minutes to make, maybe + another 5 minutes for dishes because I had to use an unnecessary amount of utensils(I followed the Nigella recipe to the bone- which explains why).

I’ve always been a sucker for Turkish dishes, the colours usually look so amazing which just makes me want to try out the recipes, but this one looked easy+pretty, and I also had aleppo pepper which I just bought (from Manousheh on West 3rd hehe) and have been dying to use in a dish, so I ended up making it.

This one’s called çilbir and is pretty much an egg dish with three components; poached eggs, a spicy butter sauce, and garlic yoghurt. Here’s the recipe and video (and pics that Hana and I took!)




This was my first time poaching an egg and I actually got it perfectly done, thanks to Nigella and excessive utensil use.The aleppo pepper butter was amazing with the egg and yoghurt, and wasn’t too overpowering in terms of oiliness. I also had no dill so I used mint instead as a garnish. Had this with lavash bread that’s been in my freezer for months. Describing that made me hungry again…it was so good. You have to try this out!!!


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