Recipe 1- Panko Brussels Sprouts

Hi friends! It’s 2am and I cannot be bothered to type out an introductory post; so I’ll just be going straight to this recipe.


Ingredients: brussels sprouts, salt, pepper, panko(Japanese bread crumbs), minced garlic, parsley, butter, salt, sriracha, honey, mayo and lime

I first tried this at Tanoreen, and 1) realised I love brussels sprouts, and 2) decided to put my own twist on it.

The first part is roasting the sprouts. As per the Tanoreen recipe; the sprouts are deep fried(explains why I fell in love), but I enjoy the crispiness from roasting. And I hate using a lot of oil, because $$$ and more cleanup.

What you need: brussels sprouts, salt, pepper

Wash the sprouts, and then cut them in half. Wash again slightly, drain properly(important) and place onto foil lined baking tray. Drizzle with generous helping of olive oil, salt, and a dash of pepper. I usually preheat the oven(or try to; most times i forget) to about 400-450(sorry I use an American stove), and then roast for about 7 minutes, flip, and another 5-7 minutes. I love the stray brussels sprouts leaves because they roast super crispy. I mentioned that draining was important, because once I didn’t drain the sprouts properly and they steamed more than they roasted and crisped up. Still good though.

While the sprouts are roasting, you can prepare the panko mixture.

What you need: panko(Japanese bread crumbs), minced garlic, parsley, butter, salt, whatever you’re feeling like honestly. I add whatever I can find or reach in my cabinet, but the panko, salt and butter are crucial.

Melt the butter and add to panko, just to moisten and flavour it slightly. And then add the rest of the seasoning, to your taste. Yes I know this is supposed to be a recipe, but honestly, cook however you want. Exact reason why I don’t have measurements here, I don’t know them(but if I did they would be in metric…). Once you’re pleased with what you have(or not, whatever), toast them with the sprouts in the last 3-4 minutes. And that’s it!
The first time I made this, I made a sriracha-honey-mayo sauce(which was just sriracha, honey, mayo and lime) to go with the sprouts. The Tanoreen recipe served it with a pomegranate molasses tahini sauce, which really took the dish to a different level. Sriracha honey mayo probably wouldn’t do that much, but it’ll probably still make it better. Nowadays I’m too lazy so I just eat it as is, or maybe add some lemon, Nando’s sauce, or some Kewpie mayonnaise! Im thinking of trying out other sauces but honestly I don’t have an extensive supply of ingredients so I’m pretty zen with this.

bonus: a photo which explains why I have a food blog and not a photography blog.


There it is! My baby, my first post! If you make it, let me know-and if you want me to make it for you, never mind.


p/s: Thank you Eeraj for the blog name. Also sorry Eeraj because this blog took a good 4  months to come into existence.

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